AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024,

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024, Apply for 84 Group A, B, C Posts, Check Complete Details

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024: All India Institute of Medical Science, Bathinda issued a notification on 4th May for the recruitment of 84 Group A, B & C Posts at AIIMS, Bathinda.

This advertisement is published to fill the vacancies on a Contractual basis through the Interview process with a salary of up to Rs.2,08700/-.

The Officers/Officials who fulfill the specified eligibility conditions may apply Offline within 30 days after the publication of this advertisement in the Newspaper.

In this article, we aim to provide you with the right and detailed information about the recruitment process for AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024 like Vacancy details, Salary, Job description, and more.

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024,

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024, Important Highlights

Recruitment AuthorityAIIMS, Bathinda
Post NameVarious posts of Group A, B, C
Number of Vacancies84
Application ProcessOffline
Job TypeDeputation
Job Tenuer3 years
Job LocationBathinda, Punjab
Notification Date04.05.2024
Last Date of Application04.06.2024

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024, Vacancy Details

Group A Posts-

Post NameVacancy
Assistant Controller of Examination01
Senior Accounts Officer (Renamed post of
Finance and Chief Account Officer)
Executive Engineer (A/C&R)01
Clinical Embryologist01
Account Officer02
Fire Officer01
Senior Technical Officer (OT)01
Deputy Nursing Superintendent02
Store Officer01
Senior Dietician01
Technical Officer (OT)02
Senior Technical Officer (Radiology)01
Senior Technical Officer (Radiotherapy)01
Technical Officer (Technical Supervisor)03
Security Officer01
Assistant Nursing Superintendent05

Group B posts

Assistant Store Office02
Medical Record Officer01
Senior Audiologist / Speech Therapist01
Assistant Accounts Office02
Assistant Engineer (Civil)01
Assistant Engineer (Electrical)01
Librarian Grade I01
Senior Optometrist01
Senior Perfusionist01
Junior Statistician01
Senior Technician (OT)07
Technical Officer (Radiology)03
Senior Technician (Laboratory)10
Senior Technician (Prosthetics and Orthotics)02
Audiologist / Speech Therapist01
Junior Admin Officer (Executive Assistant
Personal Assistant (PA)03
Junior Medical Record Officer02
Sr. Pharmacist02
Technician (Laboratory)09

Group C Posts

Senior Administrative Assistant06

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024, Eligibility Criteria & Salary Details

Group A Posts

Post NameEducational QualificationSalary Scale
Controller of
Officers under the Central/State/ U.T.
Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies or Research and
Development Organizations holding analogous posts on a regular for 5 years.
Rs. 67,700 – 2,08700/- (Level 11)
post of
Finance and
Chief Account
Officers under the Central/State/ U.T.
Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/
Autonomous Bodies or Research and
Development Organizations holding analogous posts on a regular for 5 years.
Rs. 67,700 – 208700/- (Level 11)
Officers from Ministries/ Departments of
Government of India, CPWD, MES, BRO, DoT,
State Government/ Union Territories Engineering
Services, and other Engineering Departments of
the Central/ State/ PSU/ Statutory/ Autonomous
Bodies working holding analogous posts.
Rs. 67,700 – 2,0,8700/- (Level 11)
with five years of service in the grade
rendered after the appointment regularly in post in pay band 3, Rs. 15600- 39100 plus grade pay of Rs. 5400 or equivalent in the parent cadre or department.
Rs. 67,700 – 2,08,700/- (Level 11)
a) holding analogous posts regularly.
b) With 2/3 years regular service in the relevant
the field in the grade pay of Rs. 4800/4600 respectively.
Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Fire OfficerOfficers from Delhi Fire Service holding analog posts or with 5 years of regular service in the pay scale of Rs. (1600-2660).Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Officer (OT)
a) Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/
Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly
b) Technical Officer (OT) with 5 years regular
service in the grade.
Rs. 67,700 – 2,08,700/- (Level 11)
a) Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/
Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly.
b) Assistant Nursing Superintendent with 2 years
regular service in the grade.
Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Stores Officera) Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/
Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly.
b) Have a Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University / Institution.
c) Must have a Post-graduate degree/ Diploma in Material Management from a recognized University.
Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/
Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly with 3 years of regular service in the post
of Dietician in the Grade Pay of Rs. 4600/-.
Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Officer (OT)
Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly with 5 years of regular service as Technical Assistant (OT).Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly with 3 years of regular service as Technical Officer (Radio-therapy).Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly with a degree of B.Sc. from a recognized Institution/ University.Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Officers of the Police Departments of the Central/
State/ UT Governments or Officers of the Armed
Forces including Para Military Forces, holding
analogous posts with 2/3 years of regular service
in a post in PB-2 GP 4800 / GP 4600 or above,
Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)
Officers under the Central/ State/ U.T. Governments/ Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous Bodies/ Research and Development Organizations holding analogous posts regularly with 3 years of regular service in the post of Staff Nurse Grade I (Nursing Sisters).Rs. 56,100 – 1,77,500/- (Level 10)

Group B Posts-

Assistant Store
a) Have a Degree from a recognized University/ Institution.
b) Post-graduate degree/Diploma in Material
management from a recognized University/
c) Bachelor’s Degree in Material
management from a recognized University/
Institution and 3 years experience in store
handling (preferably medical stores)
Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/- (Level 8)
Medical Record
i) must have a Bachelor’s Degree preferably in Science from a recognized University or Equivalent.
ii) Should have done a year course in Medical
Record from recognized Institution.
Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/- (Level 8)
Have a B.Sc. Degree in Speech and Hearing from a
recognized Institution / University.
Rs. 47,600-
1,51,100/- (Level 8)
Officers under the Central/State / U.T.
Governments/Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous
Bodies or Research and Development
Organizations holding five years of regular
service in the post of Junior Accounts Officer.
Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Engineer (Civil)
Must have a graduate degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University / Institute with 5 years of experience in the design and engineering of civil projects, preferably in a hospital environment.Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Have a graduate degree in Electrical Engineering from a recognized University / Institution.Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Librarian Grade Ia) Bachelor’s Degree in Library Science or Library
and Information Service from a recognized
University/ Institute.
b) Applicants have a B.Sc. Degree or equivalent from a recognized University and Bachelor’s Degree or Post Graduate Diploma or equivalent in Library Science from a recognized University or Institute
Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Officers under the Central/State / U.T. Governments/Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous
Bodies or Research and Development Organizations holding regularly with 3 years of regular service in posts of B.Sc. in Ophthalmic Techniques.
Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
a) Candidates have a BSc Degree from a recognized University.
b) Certificate in Perfusionist Technology (Awarded by
a recognized institution/association/ Authority
(Such as the association of CTVS of India).
Rs. 44900-142400/- (Level 7)
Must have an MSc. degree in Statistics or MA in STST/Maths/Economics/Sociology with Statistics as a paper.Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
a) BSc. degree In O.T. Technology
b) 12th Class pass with science plus 5-year regular
Service in OT Assistant.
Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Should have a BSc. (Hons) in Radiography or 10+2 plus Diploma in Radiography Techniques/Radiology.Rs. 44900-142400/- (Level 7)
a) Must pass 12th Science with a Diploma in MLT
b) Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory Techniques/Medical Laboratory Science from a government-recognized Institution/ University.
Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
and Orthotics)
Officers under the Central/State / U.T. Governments/Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous
Bodies or Research and Development Organizations holding regularly with 5 years of regular service in Technician (Prosthetic & Orthotic) post.
Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
B.Sc. Degree in Speech and Hearing from a
recognized Institution / University.
Rs. 44,900-1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Junior Admin.
Assistant (NS)
Have a degree from a recognized University or its
Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/- (Level 6)
Assistant (PA)
Degree from a Recognised University.Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/- (Level 6)
Junior Medical
Record Officer
a) Have a B.Sc. degree in Medical Records.
b) 10+2 (Science) from a recognized board with at
At least 6 months of Diploma/ Certificate course in
Medical Record Keeping from a recognized.
Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/- (Level 6)
Sr. PharmacistOfficers under the Central/State / U.T. Governments/Universities/ Statutory/ Autonomous
Bodies or Research and Development Organizations holding regularly with h 6 years of regular service in the grade of Pharmacist
Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/- (Level 6)
a) Should have 12th passed in Science with a Diploma in MLT.
b) Bachelor’s degree in Medical Laboratory
Techniques/Medical Laboratory Science from a government-recognized Institution/University.
Rs. 35,400-1,12,400/- (Level 6)

Group C Posts-

Senior Admin.
Degree from a recognized University or its
Rs. 25,500 –
81,100/- (Level 4)

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024, Selection Process

  • Document Verification
  • Interview

Important Dates

Date of Notification04.05.2024
Last Date Of Application04.06.2024

AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024, Application Process

  • Applications are invited to fill up Group A, B & C Posts by downloading the application form through the Official Website:
  • The Officers who fulfill the specified eligibility conditions may submit their application in the prescribed proforma through proper channels along with attested copies of all relevant certificates to be sent to “The Deputy Director, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mandi Dabwali Road, Bathinda-Punjab – 151001” by Registered post or Speed post.
  • The address for sending the hard copy of the off-line application and relevant documents is under –
  • Recruitment Cell, Ground Floor, Administrative Block Medical College, Mandi Dabwali Road, AIIMS, Bathinda-151001, Punjab.

Required Documents-

Application of eligible officers who can be spared in the event of the selection may be forwarded through the proper channel to the undersigned at the address given above within 30 days of publication of this advertisement in the Newspaper along with the following documents: –

  • Attested copies of the up-to-date APARs for the last five years.
  • A vigilance Clearance Certificate is needed for the recruitment.
  • Statement showing the minor/major penalties imposed, if any.
  • Integrity Certificate will required for eligible candidates.
  • The candidates must produce all relevant original documents as proof of details furnished in their application at the time of the interview.

** Before applying, applicants are advised to carefully review the selection procedure from the Official Website through the link given below-

Important Links

Official WebsiteCLICK HERE
Official NotificationCLICK HERE


How Many Posts are available in AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024?

Ans. 84 Posts of Group A, B, C

What is the mode of Application of AIIMS Bathinda Recruitment 2024?


What is the Full Form of AIIMS?

Ans. All India Institute of Medical Science

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