JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024, Apply for Teaching Posts, Check Complete Details

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024: Hello friends, are you interested in the teaching profession? and also have a B.ED degree? then this news for you. The Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) has invited applications for the posts of TGT-Hindi & Hindu Ethics, TGT-Urdu, PGT-Urdu, and PGT-English at Jamia Sr. Sec.

Interested candidates may apply offline by sending The application in the prescribed form duly filled in all respects should reach the Principal, Jamia Sr. Sec. School, Gate No. 17, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25 on or before 07.06.2024.

This presents a significant opportunity for individuals seeking teaching positions in the education system of Jamia Millia Islamia.

The available vacancies will filled purely as Guest Faculty through an interview process.

This article aims to provide complete and authentic information about the JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024 Notification. Let’s start the journey together.

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024, Overviews

Recruitment AuthorityJamia Millia Islamia
Name of the PostsTGT-Hindi & Hindu Ethics, TGT-Urdu, PGT- Urdu and PGT-English
No. Of Vacancies04
Application ProcessOffline
Job NatureGuest Faculty
Date of Notification28.05.32024
Last Date of Application07.06.2024
Date of Interviewnotified later

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024, Vacancy Details

Name of the PostNo. of Vacancy
TGT- HINDI & Hindu Ethics01

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024, Eligibility Criteria

Name of the PostEligibility
TGT- HINDI & Hindu EthicsEssential:-
i) A Bachelor’s Degree in Hindi Literature with at least 50% marks in aggregate with Philosophy/Sanskrit/ History subjects from a recognized University.

ii) B. Ed. Degree or its equivalent from a recognized University/ Institution.

Ability to read and write Urdu.
TGT- URDUEssential:-
i) Four Years Integrated degree courses of Regional College of Education of NCERT in the concerned subject with at least 50% marks in aggregate
A Bachelor’s Degree with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject in aggregate with a B.Ed Degree or its equivalent.

ii) Pass the Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET) paper II conducted by CBSE.

iii) Proficiency in teaching Hindi and English medium.

i) Knowledge of Computer applications.
ii) Ability to read and write Urdu.
PGT- URDUEssential:-
i) A Master’s Degree with at least 50% marks provided that the candidate has studied the same subject at the Graduation level.

ii) Have a B.Ed. Degree or its equivalent from a recognized

Ability to read and write Urdu
PGT- ENGLISHEssential:
i) A Master’s degree from a recognized University with at least 50% marks in aggregate in the concerned subject, provided the candidate has studied the same subject at graduation level also.

ii) Must have a B.Ed Degree or its equivalent from a recognized

1) Knowledge of Computer applications
2) Ability to read and write Urdu

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024, Salary Scale

Pay-per-period basis.

Important Dates

Date of Notification28.05.2024
Last Date of Application07.06.2024
Date of InterviewTo be notified on the JMI website.

JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024, Selection Process

  • Walk-In-Interview

Jamia Millia Islamia Recruitment 2024, How to Apply

The application in the prescribed form duly filled in all respects should reach the Principal, Jamia Sr. Sec. School, Gate No. 17, Jamia Millia Islamia, Jamia Nagar, New Delhi-25 along with a set of self-attested copies of all mark sheets & academic qualifications & experience certificates by post/hand/courier on or before 07.06.2024.

Important Links

Official WebsiteClick Here
Official NotificationClick Here
More Job NewsClick Here


What is the last date of application for JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024?

Ans. 07.06.2024

How many vacancies are available for JMI Teachers Recruitment 2024?

Ans. There are a total of 4 posts of TGT-Hindi & Hindu Ethics, TGT-Urdu, PGT- Urdu and PGT-English.

Who can apply for Jamia Millia Islamia Recruitment 2024?

Ans. Eligible candidates who complete his/her B.ED degree & have a master’s degree in a relevant subject can apply for the teaching posts.

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