NCW Recruitment 2024

NCW Recruitment 2024, Notification Out for 42 various Posts, Check Complete Details

NCW Recruitment 2024: Hello, dear friends I have new job news for you. The National Commission for Women recently invites applications amongst officers under the Central/ State Government for the recruitment of 42 various positions.

The National Commission for Women (NCW) is a statutory body of the Government of India, generally concerned with advising the government on all policy matters affecting women.

Let me inform you that the vacancies will be filled in the National Commission for Women by Deputation on Foreign Service term basis initilly for Three years and may extend as per Government rules.

Interested Candidates may apply offline within 30 days from the day of publication of this notice in the ‘ Employment News‘. Meanwhile, the notification was released on the 9th of May 2024. So don’t wait hurry up!

Before applying, it’s important to read the detailed notification on the website carefully. You may follow our article as guidance. Here I will share authentic information about The National Commission for Women Recruitment 2024 Notification.

NCW Recruitment 2024

NCW Recruitment 2024, Important Highlights

Recruitment AuthorityNational Commission for Women
Name of PostsDeputy Secretary and other various posts
No. of Vacancy42
Application ProcessOffline
Job TypeDeputation
Job Tenure3 years
Age LimitUp to 56 years
Date of Notification09.05.2024
Last Date of Application within 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News.

NCW Recruitment 2024, Vacancy Details

Name of the PostsNo. of Vacancy
Deputy Secretary01
Senior PPS01
Under Secretary01
Principal Private Secretary01
Pay & Account Officer01
Senior Research Officer01
Senior Analyst01
Assistant PRO01
Section Officer03
Research Officer02
Private Secretary06
Legal Assistant09
Assistant Section Officer02
Research Assistant05
Junior Hindi Translator01
Personal Assistant06

National Commission for Women Recruitment 2024, Eligibility Criteria

Name of the PostEducational QualificationAge Limit
Deputy Secretarya) Have a Degree from a recognized university.
b) Knowledge of Establishment & Administrative matters
c) Holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
d) Officers have 5 years of service Under Secretary or equivalent.
up to 56 years
Senior PPSa) Stenographers under the central or state Government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
b) Officers have 5 years of service in level 11 in the pay matrix
up to 56 years
Under Secretarya) Have a Degree from a recognized university.
b) Knowledge of Establishment & Administrative matters.
c) Officers have 5 years of service in level 10 in the pay matrix
up to 56 years
Principal Private Secretarya) Officers under the central or state government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
b) Senior Private Secretary in the Level 8 pay matrix
c) Private Secretary in the Level 7 pay matrix
up to 56 years
Pay & Account Officera) Have a B. Com degree from a recognized University.
b) Officers under the central or state government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
c) Account Officer with 5 years of regular service in the pay Level 9
up to 56 years
Senior Research Officera) Should have a postgraduate degree in any discipline from a recognized University.
b) Giving preference to the Ph.D degree holders
c) Officers under the central or state government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
up to 56 years
Senior Analysta) Have a Master’s Degree in any subject from a recognized university
b) Experience in gender-related issues or development of training modules
c) Officers under the central or state government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
d) Officers have 5/ 6/ 7 years of service in level 10/ 8/ 7 in the pay matrix
up to 56 years
Assistant PROa) Have a recognized university degree with a public relations/ journalism diploma.
b) Officers under the central or state government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
up to 56 years
Section Officera) Should have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or equivalent.
b) 2 years experience in administrative matters.
c) Officials under the central or state government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
up to 56 years
Research Officera) Must have a postgraduate degree in any subject or M.SW/ Women’s studies from a recognized university.
b) Officers have 3 years of service in level 7 in the pay matrix
c) Know research methodology with special emphasis on women-related issues.
up to 56 years
Private Secretarya) Complete Graduation degree from a recognized university.
b) Knowledge of computers and English typing speed should be not less than 120 wpm.
c) Officers have 3 years of service in level 7 in the pay matrix in the parent cadre.
up to 56 years
Legal Assistanta) Must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or equivalent.
b) 2 years experience in legal matters in central or state government.
c) Officers have 3 years of service in level 7 in the pay matrix in the parent cadre.
up to 56 years
Assistant Section Officera) Officials under the central or state government holding analogous posts regularly in the parent cadre.
b) 3 years of service in level 6 in the pay matrix in the parent cadre.
c) Have a computre skill of typing, drafting, proficiency in handling computers.
d) Experience in handling case, finance/ Accounts/ Legal matters of Government schemes etc.
up to 56 years
Research Assistanta) Must have a Bachelor’s degree in sociology/ social work from a recognized university.
b) Have a knowedge of computer application.
c) 8 years of service in level 5 in the pay matrix in the parent cadre.
up to 56 years
Junior Hindi Translatora) Have a master’s degree from a recognized university in Hindi with English as a compulsary paper.
b) Have a master’s degree from a recognized university in English with Hindi as a compulsary paper.
c) Have a master’s degree from a recognized university in any subject with Hindi or English as a compulsary paper.
up to 56 years
Personal Assistanta) Have a graduate degree from a recognized university
b) Have a typing speed of 80 w.p.m in english or hindi.
c) Have to type 50 minutes in English or 65 minutes in Hindi on computer.
up to 56 years

NCW Recruitment 2024, Salary Details

Name of the PostSalary Scale
Deputy SecretaryRs. 78,800/- to Rs. 2,09,200/- (Level 12)
Senior PPSRs. 78,800/- to Rs. 2,09,200/- (Level 12)
Under SecretaryRs. 67,700/- to Rs. 2,08,700/- (Level 11)
Principal Private SecretaryRs. 67,700/- to Rs. 2,08,700/- (Level 11)
Pay & Account OfficerRs. 67,700/- to Rs. 2,08,700/- (Level 11)
Senior Research OfficerRs. 67,700/- to Rs. 2,08,700/- (Level 11)
Senior AnalystRs. 67,700/- to Rs. 2,08,700/- (Level 11)
Assistant PRORs. 47,600/- to Rs. 1,51,100/- (Level 8)
Section OfficerRs. 47,600/- to Rs. 1,51,100/- (Level 8)
Research OfficerRs. 47,600/- to Rs. 1,51,100/- (Level 8)
Private SecretaryRs. 47,600/- to Rs. 1,51,100/- (Level 8)
Legal AssistantRs. 44,900/- to Rs. 1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Assistant Section OfficerRs. 44,900/- to Rs. 1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Research AssistantRs. 44,900/- to Rs. 1,42,400/- (Level 7)
Junior Hindi TranslatorRs. 35,400/- to Rs. 1,12,400/- (Level 6)
Personal AssistantRs. 35,400/- to Rs. 1,12,400/- (Level 6)

Important Dates

Notification Date09.05.2024
Last date of Application09.06.2024

NCW Recruitment 2024 Selection Process

  • Document Verification
  • Interview

Before apply you may visit the official website and read the notification carefully.

National Commission for Women Recruitment 2024, How to Apply

The eligible applicants may apply offline with the application form which can download from Official Website: in the prescribed proforma along with attested copy of APAR and vigilince clearance certificate and send to Joint Secretary, National Commission for Women, Plot No. 21, Jasola Institutional Area, New Delhi 110025.

The application must reached to the office within 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News.

Important Links

Official WebsiteClick Here
Official NotificationClick Here
More Job NewsClick Here


How many vacancies are available for the National Commission for Women Recruitment 2024?

Ans. Total 42 various vacancies

What is the last date of application for National Commission for Women Recruitment 2024?

Ans. within 30 days from the date of publication in the Employment News.

What is the age limit for NCW Recruitment 2024?

Ans. within 56 years

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